The Red Folder serves as a quick reference guide to help staff, faculty and students connect a student in distress with health (mental and physical) and safety resources.
911 or 530-752-1230
When to call:
- Clear and imminent danger
- Life-threatening situations
- Personal safety concerns
Resources to Support Students in Distress
UC Davis offers several resources to support students in distress. Please review the services below and choose the one best for your situation. Please reach out if a student exhibits any of the following behaviors:
- Writes/talks about wanting to harm oneself or others
- Displays significant signs of depression, anxiety or social withdrawal
- Has experienced recent trauma
- Exhibits noticeably deteriorating academic performance
- Displays disruptive, intimidating or threatening behavior
Health 34 (available 24/7)
Health 34 is a team of healthcare educators and providers who deliver free, non-emergency support and service navigation for mental health and basic medical care to every segment of the UC Davis campus.
If you are on campus, Health 34 can come to you. They:
- Respond immediately over the phone and can come directly to you on campus if needed.
- Provide basic mental health and medical support, including assistance with panic attacks, food and housing insecurity, minor injuries, transportation to on-campus appointments, medical appointment scheduling and more.
- Support students during hard times and navigate them to existing resources and services before problems become crises and help with recovery after a crisis
- Please note, Health 34 is not meant to intervene during an emergency. If there is an active emergency, dial 911.
Call if a student needs support and service navigation, and the Health 34 team will come to your on-campus location.
Counseling Services (available 24/7)
Student Health and Counseling Services (SHCS) has 24/7 Mental Health Crisis Consultation Services with licensed counselors.
Staff, faculty or students can call SHCS for someone else who may be in crisis. The phone number is 530-752-0871. During regular business hours, the receptionist will ask you the reason for calling and ultimately connect you with someone that can talk to you about how we can best support the student you are concerned about.
When SHCS is closed, Mental Health Crisis Consultation Services can be accessed by calling the same number and following the after hours prompts to be connected to a trained counselor for support.
Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs (Available during business hours)
Public Student Support Referral form
If you are worried about the well-being of a student, the Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs (OSSJA) provides Case Managers who connect students to resources and support. Case Managers serve as a non-emergency resource for students facing difficult times in life which are impeding their holistic success.
To connect with OSSJA, you can submit the Public Student Support Referral form or call 530-752-1128. Please note, this form is only monitored during regular business hours. Also, the Office of Student Support might reach out to the student directly after you submit an inquiry.
Additional Resources
- Suicide Prevention (24-hour crisis lines)
- UC Davis students can text "RELATE" to 741741
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, Call or Text 988
- Suicide Prevention Yolo County, 530-756-5000
- Aggie Compass Basic Needs Center
- Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD) Intervention Services
- *Center for Advocacy Resources and Education (CARE), Emergency On-call Advocate - 530-752-3299 CARE is for students, staff and faculty impacted by sexual violence, such sexual assault, dating and domestic violence and stalking.
- Harassment and Discrimination Assistance and Prevention Program (HDAPP)
- General Call Line- Davis, Health, & ANR, 530-747-3864
- Anonymous Call Line- Davis, Health, & ANR, 530-747-3865
- *Office of the Ombuds
- Davis Campus and ANR, 530-754-7233
- Health Campus, 916-734-1600
- Sutter Davis Hospital
- UC Davis Police Welfare Check (non-emergency), 530-752-1727
- UC Davis Safe Ride, 530-752-2677
- UC Davis Student Community Centers and Programs
*These services are confidential and will not report back to the University.
In the Community
- Davis City Police, 530-747-5400
- Empower Yolo (resources and 24-hour crisis line), 530-662-1133
Guidelines for Responding to Students of Concern
Be Proactive: Engage the student early on. Look for signs of distress and set limits on disruptive behavior.
Safety First: The welfare of the student and the campus community is the top priority. Do not hesitate to call for help.
Listen Sensitively and Carefully: Use a non-confrontational approach and a calm voice. Avoid judgment. Express your concern and your desire to help.
Be Direct: Ask the student directly if he/she is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, feeling confused or having thoughts of harming themselves or others.
Follow Through: Connect the student to resources that will help them. If necessary, call a resource or walk with the student to the proper service.
Consult and Document: Always consult with campus partners—a department chair, supervisor, OSSJA or SHCS. Document your interaction with the student and remember you are never alone.
Take Care of Yourself: Supporting our students can be an emotional process. Reach out for support through the Academic and Staff Assistance Program for staff and faculty and Aggie Mental Health for students.
What About Privacy Laws and Confidentiality?
- Information that the university maintains about a student is included in the student's educational record.
- A student's educational record cannot be released to third parties outside of the university without the student's written consent.
- Information can be shared with others at the university who have a legitimate educational interest. A legitimate educational interest generally means that the information is relevant and necessary for a campus official to perform their job duties. This includes the police, Counseling Services, Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs (OSSJA), Case Management and others. When in doubt, contact OSSJA or campus legal counsel for guidance. See also PPM 320-21.
- A student’s counseling records are confidential and can’t be released to anyone without a student’s written permission. Counseling Services can always take information about a student and provide general advice but will not be able to confirm or deny providing treatment to a student unless a student has given written permission to discuss their case with a third party. There is a legal exception to this where counseling records may be disclosed without the student’s written permission when the information is necessary to share to prevent a serious and imminent threat of harm to the student or others.
- Sharing information about a student of concern with the university is critical. Not sharing information could have tragic consequences and result in the university failing to do its part.
UC Davis Student of Concern Response Team
With a holistic approach to safety, health and wellness for students, the Office of Student Support coordinates the Students of Concern Response Team (SCRT), an interdisciplinary group of professionals that manages situations involving students of concern who present with serious risk of harm to self or others. The team meets on a weekly basis and when needed to ensure a comprehensive approach to students of concern. Learn more about the SCRT.